Title: Practical OpenCV
Author: Samarth Brahmbhatt
Page: 229
Publisher: Apress
Genre: Textbook
Finished: 04/08/2014
Rate: 4/5
With only about two hundred pages, this book serves as an introduction to the vast world of computer vision and OpenCV library.
It uses project-based-learning as the main method in delivering the contents. Thus, readers get many solid examples of how to implement computer vision concepts in OpenCV for every (sub)chapter it has. However, the concepts are quite often inadequately described. The author writes many times in the book to 'refer the paper'.
This book does fulfill its purpose well as practical book; but do not expect this book to give you solid understanding of the basics of Computer Vision. I recommend this book only for those who want to take a peek of how OpenCV solves many computer vision problem.
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