Selasa, 20 Januari 2015

Rainbow Rowell - Fangirl

Title: Fangirl
Author: Rainbow Rowell
Page: 438
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Genre: Fiction, Young Adult
Finished: 04/10/2014
Rate: 5/5

A story about one particular girl who really likes a book series. This girl writes many fan fiction stories based on the series.

The book series itself very much based on the famous Harry Potter series. Of course Rowell changed many things so that she doesn't violate any Harry Potter copyrights. But still, you can not miss the close resemblance between Hogwarts and Watford as school of magics, or the basic plots similarity where it is all about a young teenager studying magic in the school whilst trying to fight a near-indestructible enemy.

Even though the series uses considerable amount of pages, the book focuses on the life of the fan girl. Following her as she enters college life, coping with her extremely introverted nature, maintaining her relationship with her class mate, twin sister, mentally not-so-stable father, long lost mother, and nice but a little bit unpredictable room mate. She also need to finish writing her fanfic before the last installment of the series get published.

All in all, the theme of this book is of the light one. It is not about saving the world, nor about journey into interstellar, nor about fighting dark forces, nor about becoming the best something in the world. But I like it. For me, it is like having a change in the mood after reading so many wu xia novels and Harry Potter series.

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