A fellow classmate gave a very interesting assertion about the relations of people's background and computing major choice in UNSW School of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE).
He said: In Networking major, there are a lot of Indian lecturers. This is because the Indian language is more or less like programming language. The way Indian people speak has very little intonation; just like how programming language spelled. In Database major, there are a lot of Chinese lecturers. The majority of Chinese student also chose this major during their studies. This is because in order to master Chinese language, someone have to do a lot of data processing: in recognizing and producing Chinese alphabet for example. Moreover, Chinese culture has the habit of recording, storing, and processing an abundance amount of historical records. So, among other things, Chinese people find it easier to deal with searching and other database methods. In Computing major, there are a lot of local lecturers. Local people's logical thinking seems to be compatible with what the major's need.